world war two started on December 8th 1941 and ended on October 16, 1946
World war 1
The American Revolutionary War lasted almost 8 years. It began on April 19, 1775 and ended on April 11, 1783, resulting in independence for America.
After the civil war in America came to an end , then the slaves rejoiced as they won their freedom at last.
Yes, in America slavery did really end after the Civil War. After the war was over slavery was abolished and was no longer legal.
In 1909 American's were in contact with Germany. American's held a secret conference with Germany to invade Beligum. America would benefit from this spark of the war as the factory production would benefit the economy in the end. Therefore America was the whole reason the war was started. The Politicians could benefit from the war economy.
America caused the war to end sooner and in favor of the Allied Forces.
World war 1
in 1914 and it ended in 1918
Hitler survived world war 1.
neither1914 start1918 end
There was no world war 3 and hopefully there will never be one!
April 19 2010
From the beginning to the end.
Start: 1914. End: 1918.
Because they won the war and stopped the Holocaust.
what mouth did world war 1 end and stard __ Month - start month July end month November
World War 2 brought about a lot of migration to and from war town areas. The end of the war brought a baby boom to America from returning soldiers and citizens celebrating the end of the war.