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The Confederate States of America (also called the Confederacy, the Confederate States, and CSA) was the government formed by eleven southern states of the United States of America between 1861 and 1865. However, since the CSA was never recognized by other countries, by international law and custom, it was never a de jure independent country. Its de facto control over its claimed territory varied during the war, and was linked to the fortunes of its military in battle.

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Q: When did confederate states start?
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What confederate states begin with the letter A?

Alabama and Arkansas were Confederate states that start with the letter A.

Which states are confederate states?

Now there are no confederate states but there are some people who still have confederate beliefs.

Why did they fight in the confederate war?

The south wanted to leave the Union and start their own country; the Confederate States of America. The United States of America wouldn't allow that...and stopped them by force of arms (war).

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The Confederacy or The Confederate States of America

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When the southern US States seceded from the United States of America in 1860, the government they formed was called the Confederate States of America

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The Confederate states seceded from the Union and fired the first shots.

What are two cofederate states that start with an a?

During the Civil War, Alabama and Arkansas were part of the Confederate States of America. They begin with the letter A.

What are civil war words that start with J?

Jefferson Davis - President of the Confederate States

Were the southern states confederate or union?

The southern states were Confederate states. The northern states were part of the Union. :)

What were the confederate states called during the civil war?

Confederate States of America

What was the CSA?

The CSA is the abbreviation for the Confederate States of America.

How was Jefferson Davis part of the confederate states?

He was the President of the Confederate States Of America.