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This would have been when the first coal fields were found and developed. Coal was certainly exploited before oil or natural gas. The early colonists would have relied on wood which was abundant, for cooking and keeping warm in the winter. I'm not sure if any coal was found in New England however or whether that depended on getting further inland. I suppose small amounts of coal might have been brought from England by sea, but only for iron working and other tasks like that. By making and using charcoal you can get some iron work done. This is a history topic rather than an energy one.

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Q: When did Americans start using fossil fuels?
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Why are we still using fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels and uranium

Which activity involves using fossil fuels directly or indirectly?

Driving a car involves using fossil fuels directly by burning gasoline to power the engine. Using electricity generated from fossil fuels to charge an electric vehicle involves using fossil fuels indirectly.

What is fossil fuels that can be obtained using current technology called?

Fossil fuels that can be obtained using current technology are called proven reserves.

Is electricity made of fossil fuels?

No. Some electricity is made by using fossil fuels. There's a difference.

Is kinetic energy stored by fossil fuels?

No. Fossil fuels store chemical energy. It is this chemical energy we tap by using them for fuels.

What would happen if people keep using fossil fuels?

If you keep using fossil fuels it there will be no more and you cant give off energy.

What should you use instead of fossil fuels?

We use fossil fuels all the time and we will keep using them. You should really just cut back on how many fossil fuels you are using. Unplug plugs when your not using them etc, etc I hope this helped

What is an environmental consequence of using fossil fuels?

A worldwide infrastructure extracts, processes, and transports fossil fuels. (Apex)

Is not an environmental consequence of using fossil fuels?

A worldwide infrastructure extracts, processes, and transports fossil fuels. (Apex)

What are some drawbacks of using fossil fuels?

something that is bad about fossil fuels is that it makes to much polution and it is unreplaceable

How can you save the earth from fossil fuels?

by not using them!

Is New York using fossil fuels?

They sure are!