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Q: When and why where fingerprints first used in the US?
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When fingerprints are taken for a fiance visa into the US are those fingerprints sent through AFIS the fingerprint identification program in the US?

Automated Fingerprints Identification System


They weren't used. They didn't know about fingerprints.

How are fingerprints stored in the database that are used by the computers that examine and identify dogs?

Dogs don't have fingerprints.... however, a dog's nose is made up of the same type of skin (friction skin) and can be used in a similar manner as a human's fingerprints.

Does anyone in your class have the same fingerprints?

No.Fingerprint experts tell us that no-one else in the worldhas the same fingerprints as any other person

Who is generally recognized as being the first person to use fingerprints as a mean of identification?

Sir William Herschel is recognized as being the first person to use fingerprints as a means of identification.

What anatomical feature gives us fingerprints?

the finger...the epidermis on the finger

Fingerprints are used to identify humans Can nose prints be used to identify dogs?


Why are fingerprints importannt?

One major use of fingerprinting is related to criminal investigations. fingerprints can often be used to identify the perpetrator of a crime. Fingerprints are used to identify unknown victims, witnesses or suspects, to verify records, and most importantly, as links between a suspect and a crime.

Which techniques is not used in preparing DNA fingerprints?

A. Gene therapy

What is Sue Thomas' first real job with the FBI?

Analyzing Fingerprints

Fingerprints are identify humans can nose prints be used to identify dogs?

yes they can be used