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The explorers began their journey home on March 23, 1806. On July 3, after crossing the Continental Divide, the Corps split into two teams so Lewis could explore the Marias River. Lewis and Clark stayed separated until they reached the confluence of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers on August 11. Once reunited, the Corps was able to return home quickly via the Missouri River. They reached St. Louis on September 23, 1806.

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Q: What year did Lewis and Clark come back from their journey?
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What year did Lewis and Clark come back?


Did Thomas Jefferson think that Lewis and Clark would come back safely?

I guess so

Who was president of the US at the time of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

Thomas Jefferson was president at the time of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. infact, he sent Lewis out to explore and Lewis chose Clark to come along. So, Thomas Jefferson had a huge influence on the expedition.

When did Lewis and Clark come to the Northwest?

In May 21, 1804 Lewis and Clark began their expedition to explore the Louisiana purchase. They returned September 23, 1806.

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All circulating "golden" (actually brass) dollars come from the U.S. Mint! The 17 stars represent the 17 states in the Union at the time of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which Sacagawea guided for part of the journey.

When did Lewis and Clark come back?

The explorers began their journey home on March 23, 1806. On July 3, after crossing the Continental Divide, the Corps split into two teams so Lewis could explore the Marias River. Lewis and Clark stayed separated until they reached the confluence of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers on August 11. Once reunited, the Corps was able to return home quickly via the Missouri River. They reached St. Louis on September 23, 1806.

How many different native groups did Lewis and clark come into contact with?

55 A+

Why did Lewis and Clark come to Washington?

they came to washington to explore the louisian purchase

Who were the two army officers who explored the Pacific Northwest?

Lewis and Clark come to mind.

Did Lewis and Clark have a cell phone with them?

No they did not. Cell phones are a relatively recent invention. Lewis and Clark had a native American woman named Sacagawea; many explorers back then used a native tracker or somebody who knew the territory. Once the telegraph was invented, that made it easier to send messages over long distances, but for Lewis and Clark, in the early 1800s, such inventions had not yet come along, so there was no way to quickly send or receive information.

How come sacajewa is famous?

because she showed Lewis and clark, two great explorers, how to get to the place they wanted to get to.

What country did Lewis and Clark come from?

Both Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were born in Virginia Colony in the 1700s. Virginia Colony was in the United States. Lewis was born in 1774 and Clark in 1770. These men were sent by President Jefferson in 1804 on an expedition to find water route across North America as well as explore the uncharted western parts of this country.