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The South's greatest advantage in the US Civil War was the fact that it would be defending its own territory. It was important to know the Southern terrain, to know its own liabilities, and be in a position to correct them before the Union knew the weaknesses existed.

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Q: What would be the greatest advantage of the South in the US Civil War?
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What do you think would be the south's greatest advantage in the ware?

Interior lines of communication ~ see link below .

What do you think would be the south greatest advantage in the war?

A truly emotive war-mission - to defend the homeland against the invader.

What would be the Souths greatest advantage in war?

The south's main advantage was fighting at home. That they were fighting on the defensive in its own territory. They were familiar with the landscape and they could harass Northern invaders.

Which was an advantage the south had over the north in the civil war?

In the US Civil War, the South had a number of advantages. Perhaps one of the best ones was the fact that they did not have to conquer the North to win. Their goal for independence would come when the North no longer wished to continue the conflict.

Where was the greatest battle of the American Civil War?

Gettysburg is the greatest battle because it was the turning point in the war. Never again would the South have and strategic (big picture) victories or make an offensive move.

What was not an advantage which the north enjoyed over the south at the start of the civil what?

During the American Civil War, the North enjoyed numerous advantages over the South from the start of the conflict onward. One particularly significant advantage that it did not have, however, was the luxury of remaining on the defense. In order to achieve its war-aims, the North would need to take the offensive and invade Southern territory.

What was the main advantage of the North during the US Civil War?

The main advantage of the South during the US Civil War was that each side was fighting for a different goal. In order to reunite the US, the Northern army had to crush all resistance from Confederate forces. The advantage for the South was that for them it was primarily a defensive war and to win their independence, they hoped that Northern citizens would grow tired of the war and the loss of their soldiers' lives.

What could have happened if things turned out differently during the civil war?

The South could of seceded and formed an independent nation from the North and slavery would sill be used in the South. This would of caused the United States to be weaker and have less of an advantage against other countries and also due to the fact that the North and the South would of constantly been feuding. Also, without the South's cotton, the Northern factories would of suffered and President Lincoln might not of been assassinated after the Civil War.

What did the south hope they would win?

the civil war

If the South had won the Civil War what would happen?

The south would make slavery all throughout the nation.

What would have happened if the south had won the war of gettyspurg?

then the south would have a greater chance of winning the civil war

The western southern and northern sections of the US just before the Civil War would be examples of?

The law of comparative advantage