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Slaves in America were used for a variety of purposes. In the north, more affluent families kept slaves as domestic servants to cook and clean. Slaves could also be used for tasks in production, and some were taught to be skilled craftsmen or ironworkers. However, the vast majority of slaves were used on the vast plantations of the south. There, they planted, tended, and picked the crops (the most common of which was cotton, but also included tobacco, rice, and indigo) for extended hours essentially every day of their lives.

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Q: What work did the slaves do in America?
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What did the slaves do when they came to America?

because they were forced to America to work as slaves

Did the slaves voluntarily go to America?

Not at all. They were forced to become slaves and work for the whites.

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Why of course to make a living off the backs of the slaves. They brought slaves to America to work their fields and land pretty much they built this country off the backs of the slaves.

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To work as slaves

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to work on plantations and eat double cheese burgers.

What is the reason slaves came to America?

The reason that slaves came to America is because white people were to lazy to do the dirty work so they took my kind from there homes and brought them over to America to do all the dirty jobs.

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They were not slaves. They were indentured servants! Your Curious Friend

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Europeans imported slaves to America to work the fields. They did not bring slaves over to give them freedom in the New World.

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Convicted prisoners

Were there slaves in ancient America?

Yes there were slaves in ancient america.