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Q: What word are Canadian people famous for saying?
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She loves me not. The verb is loves. Not negates this word

Is saying a noun?

Yes, the word 'saying' is a gerund, the present participle of a verb (to say) that functions as a noun in a sentence.The noun 'saying' is a word for a commonly known expression which generally offers advice or wisdom; a word for a thing.

Is Canadian an adverb?

No, the word Canadian is not an adverb.The word Canadian is a noun and an adjective.

Who was famous for the word eureka saying it while running down the street naked?

Pretty sure it was Archimedes

What do people mean when they say yeah doe?

There just saying "yeah" just saying an extra word.

What are aluets?

The Aleuts are the indigenous people from the Aleutian Islands between Alaska and Russia. Loosely related to the Inuit. Allouettes is a French word meaning "larks", which appears in a famous French song and a Canadian football team.

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What is the difference between color and color?

There is no difference between "color" and "color." They are simply alternate spellings of the same word, with the former being the American English spelling and the latter being the British English spelling.

What is it called when people write a word weird on a page and it stands for a saying?

an onomatopoeia

How do you say famous in Mandarin?

There are several ways of saying famous in Mandarin, but one more commonly used term is 著名 which is read as "zhu ming".