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The three types of English Colonies in America were the New England Colonies to the north, the Middle Colonies in the middle, and the Southern Colonies in the south. The New England Colonies were New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. The Middle Colonies were Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. The Southern Colonies were North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, and Virginia.

The New England Colonies didn't need slaves to work mainly because they were mostly merchants. Rhode Island even outlawed slavery in 1652 but joined in on the slave trade to make a profit.

In the Middle Colonies needed slaves a little more than New England, but only for Blacksmiths, Merchants, and ect.

The Southern Colonies relied nearly completely on slaves to work on large plantations.

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Q: What were the three types of English colonies in America and how were they different?
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