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Q: What were the states that did not secede known as?
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What border did not secede in the civil war?

Borders do not secede but states do. Kentucky, Maryland and Missouri were border states that did not secede in the union.

Which states did not secede from the union?

The states that DID NOT secede from the Union was Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri. These four states did not secede from the Union because They were Border states, meaning they were between the Union and the Confederacy.

What border did not secede?

Borders do not secede though some states did.

Where did the confederate states secede to?

They didn't "secede to" anything, but to form a new government called the Confederate States.

What wad the name given to states between North and South that had to choose whether to secede or stay with the Union?

Those were known as the Border States.

Did floroida get secede to the union?

Florida was one of the first states to secede from the Union.

Who were the first confederate states to secede from the union?

South Carolina was the first to secede.

Does the 14th amendment forbid states to secede from the union?

yes. the 14th amendment does not forbid the states to secede from the union.

Where south secede from?

The south seceded from the United States. The south formed the Confederacy, while the north was generally known as the Union.

What slave states did not secede and join the cofederacy?

what were the slave state that did not secede and join the confederancy

Which state was the first of eleven states to secede from the union?

South Carolina was the first to secede.

What are the slave states that didnt secede called?

there isn't really a name for them, they are like any state but they have slavery. you could call them southern slave states or slave states, or southern states...... there is no definition for slave states that didnt secede proir to the civil war