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The Confederate States of America (or The Confederacy).

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Q: What were the states that broke away from the US during the Civil War called?
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What states from away from the union during the civil war?

The 11 States that broke away from the Union during the Civil War were: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.

How many states were in the Union Army?

There were 35 states, total before secession started. 11 Southern States seceded, and fought in a formed union, or group called the Confederacy of the United States. During the Civil War, West Virginia broke off from Virginia, and become the 36th state, joining the Union. The answer is 24, then 25.

Was Kentucky and West Virginia Union States during the US Civil War.?

Kentucky technically was a neutral State in the US Civil War. West Virginia broke away from Virginia and became a Union State.

Was the Civil War worldwide?

No, the civil war was only in The United States Of America. It was a Battle between the North and the South, the North being Anti-Slavery, The South being slave states. (The south also broke from the union and called themselves The Confederate States Of America.) ~Marcos

Why was Lincoln on the North's side during the Civil War?

He had been elected President of the USA, and the Southern states broke away to form their own nation. So he was left with the rest of the states, and they called themselves 'The Union'. That was the North. Unlike many other Kentuckians, Lincoln had no pro-Confederate feelings whatever.

How where the eleven states called which broke off from the United States?

the confederate states of America

How many states were admitted to the US during the Civil War?

The American Civil War lasted from April 12, 1861 - May 9, 1865. Two states were admitted to the Union during the Civil War. They include West Virginia (June 20, 1863) and Nevada (October 31, 1864). Also, Kansas was admitted right before the war broke out (January 29, 1861).

What two countries used to be Yugoslavia?

The USA is an example. During the Civil War era, the Southern USA broke off and formed the separate country of the Confederate States of America. The USA was later reunited after the Northern USA won the war.Many countries have been divided throughout history. Two examples are Germany and the US. After WW2, Germany split into West Germany and East Germany, but later united. During the Civil War era, the southern states broke away from the US and formed the Confederate States of America. The US later united after the North won the Civil War.

Did Texas secede during civil war?

Yes - or strictly just before war broke out.

What would happen if another civil war broke out in the United States?

The south would win of course

Where there only thirteen colonies when the civil war occurred?

The Civil War occurred AFTER the American Revolution, so those thirteen "original" colonies had long since become STATES. At the time the Civil War broke out in 1861, there were 33 states, of which 18 were "free" states and 15 were "slave" states.

The secession of most of the states occurred in?

During the Civil War era in American history, the secession of most of the Southern states occurred from December 1860 to February 1861, when seven states seceded from the Union. Four more states seceded after formal hostilities broke out in early April 1861.