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Q: What were the southern people called during the Civil War?
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What was a Southern sympathizer during the US Civil War?

During the US Civil War, some people in the Union favored the Southern cause for independence.Many of these people lived in the so-called "Border States". Slaveholders in Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland were often known for being sympathetic to the Confederacy.

What were people that were not in the army called during the civil war?

People who were not in the army were called civilian.

Who was president for the southern government in the civil war?

There was no president of Southern Sudan during the civil war.

What were the northern people called during the civil war?

The Union.

During the civil war what was the southern army called?

Army of Northern Virginia or the Army of Tennessee and Northern armies were called the Army of the Potomac and the Army of the Tennessee.

Was Missouri a Northern or Southern State during the US Civil War?

Southern state.

What were Southerners called in the US Civil War by people in the North?

During the US Civil War, the Confederate army which is the southern army, referred to the Union Army's soldiers as yankees or yanks. The Union Army (northern army) referred to the Confederate Army's soldiers as rebels, rebs or Johnny Reb.

What baseball team named after northern soldier in the civil war?

The New York Yankees. the reason why is the northern soldier during the civil war was called Billy Yankee and the southern soldier was called Johnny Rebel.

The North did this to Southern ports during the Civil War?


Southern states formed this during the civil war?

The Confederacy

What region had the most slaves during the civil war?


What was the capitol of southern states during civil war?
