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Q: What were the major issues that eventually led the US to declare war on great Britain?
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Why were Henry Clay john calhoun and other members of the house of representatives known as the war hawks?

The War Hawks were a group of Congressmen who were displeased with the fact that Great Britain had been interfering with American trade, and they believed Britain was also encouraging Native Americans to attack U.S. settlers. They wanted the United States to declare war on Great Britain. By attacking Britain, the War Hawks believed that the United States could successfully invade Canada and possibly Florida. The War Hawks included Henry Clay of Kentucky and John C. Calhoun of South Carolina.

In what ways might the U.S. victory over great Britain in the war of 1812 affect the status of the US in the world?

Victory meant independence from control by Great Britain. It also began, eventually, the emergence of the United States of America. Thankfully, the USA and Great Britain are friends now!

How much is a 1899 one penny from Great Britain worth?

it is £200 in great britain

Did Southern States request help from Great Britain in the Civil War?

Southern states did seek help from Great Britain during the Civil War. They hoped that Britain, which had significant economic ties to the South, would recognize the Confederate government and provide military assistance. However, the British government ultimately decided to remain neutral, as they risked their relationship with the Union.

What event causes the US to declare war on Great Britain in 1812?

Jefferson wanted to avoid war. He asked Congress to pass the Non-Intercourse Act. The plan failed to play France and Britain against each other. Later Napoleon announced France would no longer restrict American trade. U.S. declared war on Great Britain.

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Why should Britain declare independence?

Great Britain is independent and has no need to declare independence.

What did the Declaration of Independence declare independence from?

Great Britain.

From what country did America declare itself independent?

Great Britain on the 4th of July 1776.

Why did you declare war on Germany and not Great Britain?

Great Britain and the United States were allies to defeat Germany so the US would not attack Great Britain.

Why did Spain declare war on great Britain?

They wanted food

The first to declare independence from great Britain was?

Thomas Paine

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Who did war hawks declare war on?

Great Britain in 1812.

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What was the declaration of indapendance meant to do?

to declare independence from Great Britain

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Which country did America declare itself independent from?

Great Britain