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Q: What were the main countries of origin for Angel Island immigrants?
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What countries did immigrants came from that got in angel island?

Most of the immigrants processed at the Angel Island station in San Francisco Bay were Chinese.

How were immigrants' experiences different at Ellis Island than angel island?

The immigrants who landed at Ellis Island near New York were processed much quicker than immigrants who landed at Angel Island near San Francisco. Angel Island immigrants were held to higher standards than those of Ellis Island.

Where were immigrants at Angel Island from?


Of what significance were Ellis Island and Angel Island to American immigrants?

Ellis Island and Angel Island are both places where immigrants first stopped when they reached the United States. Ellis Island is in New York and Angel Island is in California.

What was the difference in processing time angel island and Ellis island?

Immigrants had to wait for a day or two days, In Angel Island immigrants didn't had to wait that long.

What was the difference in processing time between Ellis Island and Angel Island?

Immigrants had to wait for a day or two days, In Angel Island immigrants didn't had to wait that long.

What was the difference between processing time between Ellis island and angel island?

Immigrants had to wait for a day or two days, In Angel Island immigrants didn't had to wait that long.

Who were the first immigrants to arrive in Angel Island?

Nope. Angel Island was started as an Immigration Facility in 1910 but many Asians did arrive in San Francisco in the early 1800's, just not through Angel Island. Many did go to Angel Island to be checked for illnesses and and to tell officials about their past life.

What was Angel Island?

A place where immigrants entered the U.S

What Island did immigrants land at first in the US?

Either Ellis Island or Angel Island.

What were Ellis isle and angel isle what was the difference between them how were immigrants treated at each site?

What were Ellis Island and angel island what was the difference between them how were immigrants treated at each site

How did the practices at angel island reveal a bias certain immigrants?

The practices at Angel Island reveal a bias against certain immigrants because Chinese Immigrants were detained for weeks or months in prison-like facilities while awaiting a ruling on whether or not they could stay. Other immigrants passed through Angel Island fairly quickly.