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the north cornered the south and stopped them from attaining food and water

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Q: What were the causes that led the south to surrender?
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When South Carolina forced the surrender of Fort Sumter.

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Factors that led to the German surrender in World War II was the near total annihilation of the their military ability. There was essentially no recourse other than unconditional surrender.

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What events led to Lee's final surrender?

In the American Civil War, a variety of events led to Lee's final surrender at Appomattox Court House. Most importantly, Lee's army had been surrounded. Moreover, Union troops were also in control in the Deep South, with General Sherman's "March to the Sea" having ravaged Georgia and threatening to do the same to other portions of the South.

What were the main causes of surrender of the American Civil War?

The main causes of surrender during the American Civil War are the same reason for surrender in any other war,... one side overwhelms the other.

What union general accepted the surrender of the south at appomattox courthouse?

General U.S. Grant accepted the surrender of the south at appomattox courthouse.

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South Vietnam's surrender to North Vietnam is what ended the Vietnam War. The North Vietnamese had the goal of Vietnamese Unification and the surrender of South Vietnam in 1975 allowed them to achieve that objective.

When and where did the south surrender in the civil war?

the south surrendered at appotamox courthouse

Where did th south surrender at?

Appomattox Courthouse

Did the south surrender in the year of 1865?

yes they did