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Q: What were the Missouri compromise of 1820 (1 and 2)?
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What were the provisions as permitted by the Missouri compromise?

As most people do not just happen to have a copy of the American Journey History Textbook sitting on their bookshelf, I found this answer to be rather useless. The three provisions of the Missouri Compromise are: 1.) Missouri came in as a slave state. 2.) Maine came in as a free state. 3.) Slavery was banned in territories north of the Mason Dixon line.

What compromises did the government make leading up to the US Civil War?

There were a number of compromises made in the US leading up to the US Civil War. The list is as follows:1. In order to have the new US Constitution ratified, slavery was not slated for abolishment, but the importation of slaves would be illegal after 10 years. ( this was a hollow deal as slaves continued to be imported under cover) 2. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 to keep the balance of slave and free states equal; 3. The Missouri Compromise of 1850, this also to keep the slave-free state balance, but added the Fugitive Slave Law; and 4. The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowing citizens to vote on the slave issue when a territory had yet to apply for statehood.

How many state constitutions has Missouri had?

4: the first was in 1820, then 1864, then 1875 and lastly 1945

2 What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise?

to end an agruement about the territories

What were the 5 points of the Missouri Compromise?

1. Missouri will be admitted as a slave state 2. Maine will be admitted as a free state 3. Any territory within the Louisiana Purchase above the Missouri Compromise Line (parallel 36' 30) will be admitted as a free state. 4. Any territory within the Louisiana Purchase below the Missouri Compromise Line will be admitted as a slave state. There's no fifth point.

What were the twoo parts of The Missouri Compromise?

1 - The slavery was made lawful in Missouri, but not allowed northward of a line represented by the parallel 36° 30', coinciding with the southern border of Missouri. 2 - In order to counterbalance the establishment of the new slave state of Missouri they created a new state: the Maine, where the slavery would have not admitted.

What was Henry Clay major role in 1820?

He created the Compromise of 1850. Which called for four things: 1. California was admitted to the Union as a free state. 2. The rest of the Mexican Cession was divided into the territories of New Mexico and Utah. People in these territories would decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery. 3. The slave trade was abolished in Washington, D.C. 4. Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Law. This law stated that people in the free states had to help find and capture fugitive, or escaped, slaves.

What is true about the Missouri Compromise of 1850?

The Missouri Compromise was reached between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions of the government. It restricted slavery in territories north of 36 degrees 30′ except in the state of Missouri.

How many free states were there after the Missouri Compromise?

13, from the original 11, then adding Maine and Missouri.

What is crittenden's compromise?

1. Extending the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific Coast & guaranty slavery in areas South of this line forever.2. Used federal funds to pay slaveholders for runaway slaves not captured.

What is the main idea of the Missouri compromise?

1. Missouri and Maine became states. 2. part of the Mason-Dixon line, the line that separated the North and the South, was established. 3. This compromise kept the balance between free and slave states for 30 years.

What are the three main conditions of the Missouri Compromise are?

1. Missouri and Maine became states.2. The Mason-Dixon line, the line that separated the North and the South, was established across the Southern border of Missouri3. This compromise kept the balance between free and slave states for 30 years.