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The invasion of Cambodia

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Q: What were students protesting in the early 1970s?
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What is a sentence for the word protesting?

The students were protesting outside of the school for better funding.

What were the students protesting when the school district suspended them?

the Vietnam war

What were the students protesting when the school districts suspended them?

the Vietnam War

What were the students protesting when the schools district suspended them?

the Vietnam War

Why are the students in England protesting?

Because they are about to be charged tuition fees.

What was the students protesting in the tiananmen square?

the right to choose which schools they attended

What are the students protesting in Les Miserables?

The students in Les Miserables are protesting against social injustice, inequality, and the oppressive government system in France during the 19th century. They are fighting for equality, democracy, and a better future for the people.

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What event triggered kent state students?

The students were protesting against the Vietnam War. They were unarmed and posed no real threat.

The incident at Kent State in 1970 is an example of students protesting against?

The Vietnam War

What happened on May 7 1970?

At a collage in Ohio, students were protesting and eventually the U.S army came and killed 4 students. :(

What year was Imagine written?

early 1970s