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Slavery was the main issue- they wanted to keep slaves and the Southern way of life. It became obvious that the United States might

eventually outlaw slavery by a Constitutional amendment. They also hated the tariffs which had been established to protect Northern industries.
The Southern States in the United States believed they had good reasons for seceding from the Union. They were convinced that slavery would fail to be extended into the new American Territories and that there would be attempts to abolish slavery. Southern leaders predicted that their slave States would become outnumbered in the US Congress, and anti slavery movements in the North would ultimately damage their economy and way of life. They felt even worse when the Republican, Abraham Lincoln was elected US President. Although Lincoln assured the South that he had no intentions of, or even had the power to damage slavery, his party, the Republicans, were an anti slavery party.

Tariffs imposed by the Federal government was also an economic problem for the South.

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Q: What were some reasons for southern states to secede from the Union?
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What are some reason for southern states to secede from the union?

Some of them are for freedom. Also for the right to keep slaves. Those are only two reasons, but there are more.

What year did the southern states began to secede from the union?

December 20, 1860

Why did the state secede from the union?

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Montana can vote to secede from the Union. However, similar to the Southern States attempts to secede during the Civil War, the Federal government would not allow it to occur.

Which states did not secede from the union?

The states that DID NOT secede from the Union was Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri. These four states did not secede from the Union because They were Border states, meaning they were between the Union and the Confederacy.

Did the northern or southern states secede from the union?

The Southern states formed The Confederate States of America and wanted to be a separate country. The Civil War prevented that.

What year did the southern states secede from the union?

The first state to secede was South Carolina in December 1860. The last to leave the Union was North Carolina in May 1861.

Why isn't Mississippi Sucedeing from the Union with other southern states?

It did secede. It was one of the original seven.

What border did not secede in the civil war?

Borders do not secede but states do. Kentucky, Maryland and Missouri were border states that did not secede in the union.

Why didn't the southern states secede from the union?

Because they didn't believe in slavery strongly enough to want to break up the Union.