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Lewis and Clark did not have an easy journey. They faced many challenges along the way. One of their most difficult challenges was passing over the western mountains. During this time, the men couldn't find much to eat and in desperation ate horses, dogs , and spoiled food. Sometimes the weather was extremely hot. At other times, the cold temperatures and Snow made it almost impossible to travel. Many men battled frostbite. But the expedition did eventually reach the Pacific Ocean.

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Q: What were some of the difficulties the Lewis and Clark expedition faced on their journey?
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What is the name of Lewis and Clark expedition?

the Lewis and clark expedition

Where was Lewis and clark's journey take place?

The Lewis and Clark expedition took place in Platys burgh

What difficulties did Lewis and Clark expedition face?

Cost, as well as the materials needed to carry out the expedition.

Who was the only member of the expedition to die during the Lewis and Clark Journey?

a horse

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What was the most important result in the expedition?

he most important thing about The Lewis & Clark Expedition was that it led to active learning through exploration. The expedition describes the journey of Lewis and Clark during the Louisiana

What was probaly the most important result of the expedition?

the most important thing about The Lewis & Clark Expedition was that it led to active learning through exploration. The expedition describes the journey of Lewis and Clark during the Louisiana

What difficulties did the Lewis and Clark expedition face?

2 of the things they faced were Indians and rough water.

Who saved Lewis and Clark on their expedition and how?

Lewis and Clark were saved by the Nez Perce tribe during their expedition. The tribe provided them with food, shelter, and guidance for the remainder of their journey. The Nez Perce played a crucial role in ensuring the success of Lewis and Clark's expedition.

What was the purpose of the journey that Lewis and Clark took?

The purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition, or Corps of Discovery , was to find a water route to the Pacific Ocean.

When did Lewis and Clark return from their journey?

Merriweather Lewis and William Clark's journey, also known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition, lasted from May of 1804 to September of of 1806. President Jefferson commissioned this expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase.

Who was in charge of the Lewis and clark expedition?

Meriwether Lewis was in charge and William Clark came as his assistant. But the Lewis And Clark Expedition is still know as The Lewis And Clark Expedition.