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The slaves usually lived in shacks in the back but some lived with the owner inside the house, depending on the work. Slaves may have been treated less then human but they were still considered valuable property so they were not totally neglected and mal-nourished. Main work including picking cotton or doing household chores. The work condition were harsh, with the hot southern heat, no protective clothing and a man with a whip who made sure they kept working...

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Q: What were conditions like on the plantations and what kind of work did the slaves do?
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Where did the African slaves settle into plantation life?

African slaves were taken to plantations in the Americas, especially in regions such as the southern United States, the Caribbean islands, and Brazil. They were forced to work under harsh conditions on these plantations, primarily in agriculture producing crops like sugar, cotton, and tobacco.

Who provided much of the labor on the plantations?

Enslaved African people provided much of the labor on plantations in the Americas, working under brutal conditions to produce crops like sugar, cotton, and tobacco for European markets.

What were some things slaves did?

Slaves were forced to work long hours in plantations, mines, or households. They were often subjected to physical and emotional abuse. Many slaves also lived in poor conditions and had limited access to basic necessities like food and shelter.

What were the conditions like on the plantations?

Conditions on slave plantations were bad, You would work from sun rise to sun set and would be beat if you didn't do enough work-

Contrast the rice and cotton plantation slaves and their work?

Rice plantation slaves typically worked in wet and marshy conditions, tending to fields that required constant irrigation and maintenance. Cotton plantation slaves, on the other hand, worked in drier conditions, cultivating crops that were physically demanding to harvest due to the need for picking cotton by hand. Both groups endured harsh conditions and long hours of labor, but the nature of their work and living conditions varied based on the specific crop being produced.

Did majority slaves live on farms?

Yes, the majority of slaves in the antebellum South lived on farms or plantations where they were forced to work in the fields growing crops like cotton, tobacco, and sugar cane. These slaves faced harsh conditions and were subjected to long hours of labor under the control of slave owners.

What was life like in Virginia in the 1700s?

Virginia had cotton plantations in some parts but in the western more mountainous areas, it was small homes and subsistence farming. The plantations had slaves.

What did slaves do as labor?

they worked on farms or plantations like cotton, sugar or tobacco. the labor was often intense.

How is plantation and slavery related?

Plantations were large agricultural estates where crops were grown for profit, often using slave labor. Slavery was the main labor force on many plantations, particularly in the Americas, where slaves were forced to work in harsh conditions to produce crops like sugar, cotton, and tobacco. The economic success of many plantations was directly tied to the exploitation of enslaved people.

What work did the slaves have to do in the plantations in the slave trade?

Slaves in the plantations were made to work long hours picking crops such as cotton, sugar, and tobacco using hand tools. They were also tasked with planting, cultivating, and processing these crops under harsh and inhumane conditions, often facing abuse and violence from their owners. Additionally, slaves were responsible for maintaining the plantation infrastructure and carrying out various other labor-intensive tasks as demanded by their owners.

What was the southern colonies economic like?

the southern colonies ecconomy was mainly based on production by the slaves. slaves worked on the fields of plantations to keep the flow of money moving...

What were the conditions like on slave plantations?

Generally it was pretty dismal. Slaves were often treated like cattle, with little more than a shed to keep the weather out. It was certainly not a plesant existence for most of them, and even the ones who were treated "well" recognized that they had no control over their own destiny.