President Lincolnâ??s three conditions of peace with the Confederacy were National authority had to be restored to all of the seceded states of the rebellion. No receding on going back on the Presidentâ??s decisions regarding slavery. Cessation of hostilities prior to the end of the war or all forces disbanded that were hostile to the government.
Bind the nation and creating lasting peace.
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Lincolns prophetic dream is two weeks before his assassination, Abraham Lincoln had a dream that he was lying in a coffin.
It destroyed Confederate hope for negotiated peace.
Conditions of Peace was created in 1942.
Lincoln's stated goal about peace after the war was for slaves to be free , and be able to start their own life .
Bind the nation and creating lasting peace.
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Lincolns 10% plan is one
I don't care and get a life
Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois.
The Lincolns was created in 1979.
It's all Lincolns fault.
Lincolns plan was to abolish slavery!
describe lincolns plan for reunion ?