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crop (: heehee

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they exchanged goods

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Q: What was used instead of money on the plantations?
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Who was used for labor on the plantations in America?

Blacks were enslaved and forced to work on the plantations for little or no money.

How did the Georgia colony earn money?


What did the early settlers do for money?

They used barter- trading things for things, instead of money for things.

How did each colonial region make money?

By simply working in plantations .

What kind of money did ancient mesopotamia's use?

Money wasn't used for trade. They used silver and grain for fixed price money, instead of trade yup

What kind of money did ancient mesopotamia's use -?

Money wasn't used for trade. They used silver and grain for fixed price money, instead of trade yup

Why did plantations begin?

Plantations began because first of all...People need food...Second, White men who owened a lot of land...THought if they bought slaves it would save them money. Instead of having to hire people to work there land. They could buy slaves...That's why plantations started...

Did the Egyptians have money?

No, instead they used time and goods to pay for things.

What kind of money was used in the Civil War?

Due to the insufficient amount of gold coin paper money was used instead. In the Confederacy also Postage stamps were used as paper money.

What did the Egyptians use instead of money?

They had money. They used hard coinage. Gold/Silver/Bronze (specie)

What is a California banknote?

banknotes are like money back then but instead of money they used cowhides

Why did the south use slave labor plantations?

To earn money and to get the job done.