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Q: What was the system of routes that fugitive slaves would use to escape to the North?
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What was the system of escape routes for southern slaves known as?

They were collectively known as the underground railroad.

What name was given to escape system used by slaves to find safety in the north?

The underground railroad

What is the name of the system that helped slaves escape and gain their freedom?

In the US it was called the Underground Railroad

What was the name of the system of safe passages and safehouses that allowed American Slaves to escape to freedom in Canada?

I think it was called" The underground railroad.

What was the Underground Railroad?

The underground railroad was an informal network of people who, although in violation of the "Fugitive Slave Act" helped escaped slaves reach freedom in Northern States or Canada.The underground railroad wasn't actually a railroad nor was it underground. It was actually a system where slaves would go from house to house until they could escape to freedom. The underground railroad was an escape route for slaves to travel from safe house to safe house and head to the north.It was an 'underground' organization. That is, it was not publicized, and kept secret from authorities at the time. It was called a railroad, because the way it was organized was akin to the way railroads were run. With various stops along the way (Safe houses) and conductors leading them (Often born-free blacks).Harriet Tubman was a major figure in the history of the underground railroad.The Underground Railroad was used to help slaves in the U.S. escape to states that were free.

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What was the system of escape routes for southern slaves known as?

They were collectively known as the underground railroad.

The system of escape routes and hiding places for runaway slaves was called the Underground Railroad.?


Dericbe how northern abolitionists reacted to the fugitive slave act?

By helping slaves to escape into Canada, using the system of safe-houses known as the Underground Railroad.

What was the Underground Railroad-?

The Underground Railroad was used to help slaves in the U.S. escape to states that were free, or to Canada. The railroad was a system of safe houses and secret routes.

What was the name of the system that helped runaway slaves?

The Underground Railroad was the name of the system that helped runaway slaves escape to freedom in the northern states and Canada. It was a network of routes and safe houses operated by abolitionists and sympathetic individuals.

What is the fragment of this sentence The Underground Railroad organized by abolitionists was a system That aided fugitive slaves in their journey to the North of the US and Canada?

The Underground Railroad organized by abolitionists was a system. That aided fugitive slaves in their journey to the North of the United States and Canada.

Was a system of routes that escaping slaves followed to freedom?

The Underground Railroad

What were some ways that fugitive slaves rebelled against the 1850 fugitive slave law?

Fugitive slaves rebelled against the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law by escaping to Canada, forming and joining abolitionist groups, participating in the Underground Railroad, and sometimes physically resisting capture by slave catchers. Some fugitive slaves also sought legal assistance and used the court system to fight for their freedom.

What system used secret routes to help slaves?

the pony express The Underground Railroad.

What was the system of secret escape routes that led enslaved people to free lands?

The system of secret escape routes that led enslaved people to free lands was called the Underground Railroad. It was a network of safe houses, abolitionists, and hidden routes that helped enslaved individuals escape to free states or Canada. The network operated in the United States before the Civil War.

Where is the Under Ground Rail Road?

The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by enslaved African Americans to escape to free states and Canada in the 19th century. It was not an actual railroad but a metaphorical term for the system of escape routes and support networks.

What system did the abolitionists and slaves create so the slaves could have their freedom?

I believe that you are asking about the underground railroad, a route for the escape of slaves to the north.