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Q: What was the southern view of states versus federal rights?
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What were the two ideas the Constitution attempted to balance?

States rights versus federal rights , and individual rights for citizens versus protecting all the citizens under the law of the land.

What major events were going on when Lincoln was president?

A decision on slavery and a debate on states rights versus federal rights.

Why did the issue of states' rights versus the rights of the federal government divide the nation?

i don't know kha nguyen

What was the immidiate cause of the civil war?

The issue was states rights versus federal rights. The surface issue was slavery.

What did the civil war decide?

The power of the Federal Government versus States Rights and the issue of slavery.

Where was the most formal discussion concerning the rights of states versus those of the federal government?

Independence Hall in Philidelphia

What was the controversy over federal power versus states rights a basic cause of?

The controversy over federal power vs states' rights was one of the main causes of the Civil War. This war was also called the War Between the States.

What practical problem was faced by the convention?

The founding fathers had to settle the disagreement over states rights versus federal rights, and which has power over certain situations.

What practical problem was faced by the constitutional convention?

The founding fathers had to settle the disagreement over states rights versus federal rights, and which has power over certain situations.

How do you use Anti-Federalists in a sentence?

The antifederalist argued over state rights versus the federal rights with the federalist.

How do you use anti federalist in a sentence?

The antifederalist argued over state rights versus the federal rights with the federalist.

What key difference between the north and the south led to the civil war?

The Civil War was really all about slavery. The South wanted slavery to continue, and generally the North wanted slavery to end. However, from the South's point of view the Civil War was all about states rights versus federal government rights. The South wanted the states to have more rights and therefore more power than the federal government. The North generally wanted the federal government to have more rights and therefore more power than the states.