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the were pro slavery

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Q: What was the southern state view towards slavery?
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What is the southern view about the dred Scott decision?

They were delighted. It appeared to mean that every state in the Union was open for slavery.

What two ways did southern slaveholders view slavery?


Which people were the most sympathetic to the Southern view on slavery in America?

Jefferson Davis

Which candidate supported the Southern View in election 1860?

The candidate who supported the Southern view in the 1860 election was John C. Breckinridge. He was nominated by the Southern Democrats and advocated for the expansion of slavery and states' rights.

How did the northern and southern states view on slavery differ?

By 1861, it is clear that most people in the Northern non slave US States believe that slavery is immoral. By the same year many not most, of the people in the Southern States believe that slavery is not immoral.

What was the view of the Quran towards slavery?

I don't really know but slavery was popular during the time it was written so it probably supports slavery, just like the old testament and the new testament.

How did the north view tarrifs?

They viewed them as useful. They helped with trade and both the north and south argued about slavery towards them

What is Lincoln personal view on slavery?

Abraham Lincoln opposed the institution of slavery and believed it was morally wrong. He famously declared that "If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong" and worked towards its abolition during his presidency.

How did Ogelthorpe view slavery?

i would guess that he would be in favor of it bc state was confederate

What new state emerged during the civil war because of its view on slavery?

West Virginia

How did the northern and southern views of slavery differ?

Northern View Of Slavery- A vocal minority of northerners were abolitionists or people who wanted to end slavery. They believed that slavery was morally wrongs. Abolitionists favored a gradual end while others demanded that all slavery was outlawed at once. Not all northerners wanted to end slavery Southern Views Of Slavery Many southerns belied that god intend that black people should provide the labor for white "civilized" society

What was George Read's view on slavery?

He was anti-slavery