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Q: What was the southern response to slave rebellion of the early 1800's?
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Who led the rebellion against Spain in the early 1800s?

Francisco de Miranda

What was the southern economy like in the early 1800s?

It was strictly agricultural

Who would most likely be supported by a Southern plantation owner in the early 1800s?

Building a new road in the wilderness would most likely be supported by a Southern plantation owner in the early 1800s.

What would most likely be supported by a Southern plantation owner in the early 1800s?

Building a new road in the wilderness would most likely be supported by a Southern plantation owner in the early 1800s.

What was the significance of domestic rebellions such as Shay's Rebellion and the way the government responded to them?

The significance of a domestic rebellion is that there was dissatisfaction in early america. George Washington's response said that he would not tolerate any violent form of dissatisfaction.

What was the significance of domestic rebellions - such as Shay's Rebellion - and the way the government responded to them?

The significance of a domestic rebellion is that there was dissatisfaction in early america. George Washington's response said that he would not tolerate any violent form of dissatisfaction.

Was there skiing in the early 1800s?

skiing was around long before the 1800s

How were bridges constructed in the early 1800s?

Bridges built in the 1800s were typically constructed of wood or stone. Some bridges were also starting to be constructed of steel in the early 1800s.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s what was the difference between new immigrants and old immigrants?

"Old" immigrants were from Western Europe, and "new" immigrants were from eastern and southern Europe.

How was the Temperance movement understood in part as an anti-immigrant movement?

Because the immigrants of the late 1800s and early 1900s were largely from Eastern and Southern Europe and drank alcohol.

Why was there a conflict of interest between the North and the South in the early 1800s?

In the 1800's the Southern states wanted to continue importing and using slaves because it was an economic boost. The North wanted to ban slavery. The southern states were also angered by raising tariffs, however the tariff compromise of 1833 quelled the South's rage.

One of the most widespread movements of the early 1800s was the?

The most widespread movement of the early 1800s was the temperance movement.