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LOUISIANNA to Rhode Island.

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Hailee Vandervort

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LOUISIANNA to Rhode Island.

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Q: What was the route of the Lewis and Clark expedition?
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What was not a goal of Lewis and Clark expedition?

One of the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition was not to discover a water route to the Pacific Ocean.

Explain the Lewis and Clark expedition?

they had to trace a route to it

What is the route that the Lewis and Clark expedition took?

South Pass.

What were Lewis and Clark looking for on the expedition?

thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and clark on an expedition to find out what the west was really like and to find a new water route

What was the purpose of the journey that Lewis and Clark took?

The purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition, or Corps of Discovery , was to find a water route to the Pacific Ocean.

How did Lewis and clark change America?

Lewis and Clark changed America because their expedition for a new water route opened up new territory. The expedition was between 1804 and 1806.

Who was in charge of the Lewis and clark expedition?

Meriwether Lewis was in charge and William Clark came as his assistant. But the Lewis And Clark Expedition is still know as The Lewis And Clark Expedition.

Who led Lewis and Clark's expedition?

The Lewis and Clark expedition was led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. They were both Army officers tasked by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory and find a water route to the Pacific Ocean.

Who was the captian of the Lewis and clark expedition?

Lewis and Clark are the captains of this expedition

Was there disease in Lewis and clark expedition?

There was a disease in the Lewis and Clark expedition

What did Lewis and Clark acquire on their expedition?

They found a route to the pacific ocean and explored the west

Where did Lewis and Clark needed to find a route to?

The first transcontinental expedition to the Pacific Coast.