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The reward was about in our money (British Money) was £37 alout of money back then!

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Q: What was the reward for a runaway slave?
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What would be the reward for a caught runaway slave?

the reward would be a ransom

Why did some slave owners offered a reward form the return of runaway slaves?

Because they can offered a reward for runaway slaves.....Then

When was Runaway Slave created?

Runaway Slave was created in 1991.

Why do you think some slaves owners offered a reward for the runaway slave?

Slave owners offered rewards for runaway slaves as a way to incentivize others to capture and return the slaves, protecting their investment. The rewards also sent a message to other slaves that escape attempts would not be tolerated, serving as a deterrent. It was a way for slave owners to maintain control and prevent uprisings.

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Runaway Slave - 2012 is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG

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The cast of The Runaway Slave - 1912 includes: Henry Belmar

Why was such a high reward placed Tubman?

because she was halping runaway slaves to freedom and slave owners did not like their slaves runing away and someone was helping them so they wanted her dead

Why does huckleberry Finn decide not to turn in the runaway slave Jim for a reward?

Huck has learned to appreciate Jim's humanity

Is a fugitive a runaway slave?


What is a code name for a runaway slave?

Runaway slaves didn't have code names.

What were runaway slaves called in 1861?

They were called fugitives. A fugitive is a runaway slave

What did you call a slave who escaped?

A slave who escaped was referred to as a fugitive or runaway slave.