25 cents (I would check on this-in 1904, a pound of ham cost $.11, and in 1914, bread was $.04-.08 per loaf. $.25 seems way too high.)
I remember paying 1.39 in that time.
A loaf of bread cost around 22 cents in 1963. Gas was 29 cents per gallon and a new car averaged $3,200. You could buy a new house for around $13,000 and an air conditioner for that house would cost around $150.
A loaf of bread in the 1950s would have only been about twenty nine cents. Bread was a common grocery purchase in those days as it is today.
I want to know the prices of homes from 1900 to 2010
25 cents (I would check on this-in 1904, a pound of ham cost $.11, and in 1914, bread was $.04-.08 per loaf. $.25 seems way too high.)
the price of a loaf of bread? $1.00
In the year 1994 the price of a loaf of bread in India was four rupees.
IN 1940, the price of a loaf of bread was eight cents. Today, a loaf of bread costs about three dollars.
In 2003, the price of a loaf of bread was close to $1. In 2014, the price of a loaf of bread of close to $2.25.
A loaf of bread in 1984 was about 79 cents
The price of a loaf of bread in Ohio in the 60s was about 69 cents.
The average price of a loaf of bread was about $.99
what is the price of loaf of bread in 1998
The cost of a loaf of bread in 1957 was 19 cents. The cost of a loaf of bread in 1957 was 19 cents.
The price of a loaf of bread in Michigan varies based on the store. Bread can be as cheap as 50 cents.