the top 2 dances that were well known around the americas and maybe england in the 1930's were rumba and conga
Berets were very popular with women in the 1930s. Now, finish the homework with out this website. :)
Smith Morgan
In the 1930s, women often wore their hair in curls, created by finger waving and pin curling. For men, the most popular cut was short in the back and sides, and longer at the top.
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there were no women
Buckdancing, the Sarah Beth, and the the Rachel Mary
The Jitterbug dance was popular in the 1930s and the 1940s. The dance originated in the United States and eventually spread worldwide.
The Charleston.
United states inthe 1930s
Berets were very popular with women in the 1930s. Now, finish the homework with out this website. :)
a popular dance is a dance song that you have know songs or new songs.
because it was!
The popular entertainment in China is the Lion Dance, Ribbon Dance, and Dragon Dance.
There are several popular dance magazines. Some of these magazines include Pointe, Dance Teacher, Dance Spirit, London Dance, Dance Art, and Dance Help.
The most popular dance in Cuba is Salsa.
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As an art movement it flourished in the 1930s.