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In the south it was cotton. Millions of bales of cotton were produced.

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Q: What was the number on one cash crop?
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The number one cash crop in Tennessee right now is Marijuana. After that is Soybean and Hay.

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What was the number one cash crop in the southern agriculture?

Cash crop leader has changed over time. After cotton, tobacco became king. Due to exports, it still may be the king cash crop of the southern US. kapm

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Marijuana, its the number one cash crop in the U.S.

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A cash crop is traded as a commodity. Cash crops are often grains, but they can be any number of crops such as wheat, rice, cocoa, or tobacco. The crop can readily be traded for cash or other goods and services.

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A farm crop raised to be sold for money?

its a cash crop

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What is a cash crop and what is a staple crop?

a cash crop is where food can be exported into differeent countires when staple crop is where it has to be in one place because alot of people eat that certain crops's food there in that country