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Her maiden name was Taylor.

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Q: What was the maiden name of Lady Bird Johnson?
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What was 'lady bird' Johnson's maiden name?

Her maiden name was Taylor.Her full name after she married Lyndon Baines Johnson was Claudia Alta Taylor Johnson, but she was known by her nickname "Lady Bird".

Lady bird johnson maiden name?

Her maiden name was Claudia Alta Taylor.

Lady Bird Johnson's middle name?

Her maiden name was Claudia Alta Taylor. She was born into a wealthy family on December 22, 1912

What was the lady Bird Johnson's maiden name?

Lady Bird Johnson was born Claudia Alta Taylor on November 22, 1963. She married LBJ in 1934. She passed away at the age of 94 on July 11, 2007.

Who was married to Lyndon Bjounson?

If you're talking about Lyndon B. Johnson, then it was Claudia "Lady Bird" Johnson. Her maiden name is Taylor. Full Name: Claudia Alta Taylor

What is the birth name of Lady Bird Johnson?

Lady Bird Johnson's birth name is Claudia Alta Taylor.

What is Lady Bird Johnson's middle name?

Lady Bird Johnson died on July 11, 2007 at the age of 94.

Who was Lyndon B. Johnson wife?

Her name was lady Bird Johnson

What was lady bird john sons maiden name?

Claudia Alta Taylor

What name is on Lady Bird Johnson's birth certificate?

Her full name was Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Taylor Johnson. Presumably her birthname was Claudia Alta Taylor.

How did Lady Bird Johnson get her name?

The wife of President Lyndon Baines Johnson, her given name was Claudia Alta Taylor. (1912-2007)She was nicknamed "Lady Bird," because her nursemaid said that she looked like a Lady Bird (a lady bug) when she was little.

Lyndon b Johnsons wife's name?

Lady Bird Johnson