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Q: What was the first successful permanent English colony in british north America?
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The first few british expeditions to north America resultes in?

the failure to establish successful permanent settlements.

What was the name of the first permanent British settlement in the New England region?

The Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts, was the FIRST in the New England region, but the second successful English colony in North America following Jamestown, Virginia. The Jamestown colony was Britain's first permanent settlement in the Americas.

When did the English language reach America?

Exact date is unknown however, it is believed that the English language reached North America when European Exploration began. Also when the British colonists came to "The New World" (North America) to settle into permanent settlement.

What was the name of the first successful colony in America?

The first successful british colonly was Jamestown, VA!

What is one of the first permanent settlement in British North America?

Jamestown, Virginia

Interesting fact about Jamestown?

Jamestown was the first permanent British settlement in North America.

How do you say cousin in British?

In British English, the term for cousin is the same as in American English. It is simply "cousin."

The first few British expeditions to North America resulted in what?

the failure to establsih sucessful permanent settlements

Who brought African Americans to North America?

The British (English).

Comparision between british English and Pakistani English?

well British English talks British and the Pakistani English talks more English and a little Pakistani cause the been in America more

Why US speak English?

The British colonies were successful in America, grew and developed while the French, Spanish and Dutch did not. When the time came to revolt against European imperialism, the British colonies were the ones large enough and powerful enough to organize and lead the revolt.

Do people speak British English or American English in US?

The United States of America ... that would be why they call it American English.