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The battle of Manassas juncion. Also called the battle of Bull Run.

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Q: What was the first major conflict of the civil war?
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Where was the first battle of the Civil War?

Fort Sumter then First Battle of Bull RunThere are varying opinions on what qualifies as the first battle of the Civil War. Fort Sumter was the first conflict and it led to the Civil War. But the First Battle of Bull Run was the first major land battle of the Civil War.

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Where was first major battle of the Civil War?

The first major battle of the Civil War was the Battle of Bull Run in Prince William County in Virginia.

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The civil war soldiers viewed the war between the North and South as a new kind of conflict because it was the first war Between the States.

A major cause of conflict between the north and south?

If you are talking about America it is the American Civil War, but if you are talking about Korea, The Korean War

Where did the civil war began meaning what was the first battle?

First Battle of Bull Run (First Manassas) : the first major battle of the American Civil War .

What is interesting fact of first Battle of Bull Run?

It was the first major battle on the civil war. The Fort Sumter lead to the civil war.

What of conflict was the American Civil War?

oh,the answer is: at first they were fighting for not seceeding, and then the war ended up to be about slavery.   i am 11

Where did the first major battle of the civil war take place?

It would be fair to say that the first armed conflict that led to the US Civil War was in Charleston, South Carolina. Two reasons standout, one is that US President Lincoln had to believe it was an armed conflict, however, if he thought it was a war, he would not have called for only 75,000 volunteers to enlist for three months. Clearly he expected this rebellion to swiftly be ended and never reach the proportions of a war.

First major battle of the civil war?

the battel of bull run