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The most tangible colonial protes to the Townshend Act was the revival of an agreement not to import British goods, especially luxury products. The Non-importation agreement slowly grew to include merchants in all of the colonies, with the exception of New Hampshire. Within a year importation from Britain dropped almost in half. he American Colonists realized that they should not be taken for granted anymore. The wanted to be their own colony now. They hated the fact that everything they did was under the British government. So in order to try to make British lower taxes, they boycottehe colonists were tired of being taxed with no say in government. After their appeals and petitions were repeatedly denied by Parliament, the colonists began boycotting British goods. The colonists knew that if they wanted to get attention from the British, they needed to attack their economy.

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14y ago
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12y ago

By boycotting their goods, the British didn't get money from them, which they did before the boycott.

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jarrett tompkins

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2y ago
A) They thought it was easy and fun. B) They were proud that they found ways to make their own products. C) They felt sorry for the British. D) They did not feel that enough colonists were participating in the boycotts.

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15y ago

the government put tax on british goods and this made the colonists mad. so they stoped buying british goods.

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15y ago

Because the british taxed them on tea which was called the tea act. They also did the townshed or townshend acts. I am sorry but i cannot remember the townsend acts.

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10y ago

They boycotted British goods because they were protesting unfair taxes. They refused to by stamps because of a tax on stamps, same with tea.

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Q: Why did American colonist choose to boycott British goods as a way to protest taxes?
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