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Q: What was meant to help heal and restore the country after 4 years of the civil war?
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What was meant to help and heal and restore the country after four years of civil war .?


Was meant to help heal and restore the country after four years of civil war.?


What country was fighting in a civil war 153 years ago?

the US

What were some Military actions during the first two years of the civil war?

That depends on which civil war (ie in which country) you are asking about.

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Twenty years of civil war meant many Romans were willing to accept a dictator

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At the beginning of the Civil War the northern goal was simply to restore the Union at all costs. Slavery became the main issue in the following years of the war but the goal at the start was to save the Union!

Why were so many Romans willing to accept a dictator?

Twenty years of civil war meant many Romans were willing to accept a dictator

How did Lenin restore power to Russia after the Revolution?

Lenin restored order in Russia after the civil war by convincing the people that he could get them what they so desperately wanted. He claimed he could give them: " BREAD, PEACE, & LAND! " For the people bread meant food to help there famished belly's, peace meant no more war, and land meant money and a way to provide for a family!

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Ghana. It was the first subsaharan country to gain independence in 1957. No civil war or violence for 55 years

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How do I restore a cracked Polaroid Picture? It's about 30 years old.

How long do you get in prison for breaking copywrite law?

It varies from country to country; in the US, for example, the maximum sentence is 5 years.

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Back it up then Restore it then Restore to your backup