Woodrow Wilson
The currency used in the UK is called the pound, not the dollar. 1.9495 US Dollars (USD) is equal to 1 UK Pound.
0.018 in the us dollar currency.
One pound in British currency equals $1.55 in US currency. There is 1.63 in Canadian currency with one British pound.
$1.00 (US) is worth .726850 Euro (the currency in Cyprus)
1 pound= $1.50 usa dollars
Currency exchange rates vary by the day. As of this posting, the British pound is worth about $1.50 in US dollars. For an up-to-date currency conversion rate, please see the link below.
As of 31 July 2014, 1.00 British Pounds is worth about 1.69 US Dollars.
This is the best I can do. One Australian Pound in 1926 had the purchasing power of about $64 current USD.
1 British pound = 1.5149 U.S. dollars
EPIC FAIL you spelled Afghanistan wrong LOLzor The currency of Afghanistan is the Afghani Afghanistan currency is the afghani. One US dollar is worth about 52.13 afghanis and one British pound is worth about 73.43 afghanis.
A sixpence was worth 1/40 of a pound so it would be worth about $.04. (1/40 of $1.61)
$84,591.78 ( As of February 15, 2010) Each Pound is worth approximately $1.57
The rates change every day. Use this currency converter to calculate it.
1 British pound is 1.69 US Dollars.