

Best Answer
  1. the framing was bad
  2. the bear were fighting
  3. i was there
  4. Your mom
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Billy Hagenes

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: What was a major cause of the civil war?
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The two major causes were the Homestead Act and the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad.

Was it a major land Battle of the American Civil War?

Was WHAT a major battle of the Civil War?

A major cause of conflict between the north and south?

If you are talking about America it is the American Civil War, but if you are talking about Korea, The Korean War

How was sharecropping a cause of the Civil War?

sharecropping did not cause the civil war but it happened after when they couldnt have slaves anymore

What cause of the civil war?

you you you

Why did forced loans cause the civil war?

Forced loans didn't cause the Civil War, they had very little to do with it.

What is a Civil War general?

Someone who commanded the major armies during the Civil War

Was Iowa involved in any wars?

Iowa was involved in the Civil War. The Civil war was a major war.

How did rivers cause the Civil War?

They did not cause the war, but they were certainly tools of the war. New Orleans was certainly a major prize of Civil War Riverine Operations and was taken by the Union without the loss of blood. The river system was a major prize, the denial of commerce to the North via the Mississippi would have been a major problem if Union had failed, and Western expansion would have been difficult and maybe impossible, and for that reason sites like Vicksburg became major battlefields.

In the civil war what major battles happened in the thirteen colonies?

You are confusing the Civil War with the Revolution.

What was the first serious battle of the civil war?

Antitam was the first major battle in the Civil War.