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defend farmers and workers! regulate business and industry!

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Emma Goike

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Q: What was The founders of the Populist Party would most likely have adopted which campaign slogan?
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Why did the founders of the constitution give the senate a longer term than the House of Representatives?

The main reason for Senators having longer terms than House members is to provide stability. It also, theoretically, makes Senators less likely to be influenced by outside forces.

What is the biggest battle in the us history?

Battle of Saratoga There are several answers to this question, depending on what the question asks. If it is asking "what is the largest battle on (current day) US soil?", that would be the Battle of Gettysburg, where a total of 160,000 soldiers fought over 3 days, resulting in about 45,000 casualties. However, the Overland Campaign of May-June 1864 involved almost 200,000 soldiers fighting a series of mid-sized battles during this time. If the question is "What battle is most important to the history of the United States?" then the answer would most likely have to be either the Battle of Yorktown (where the US managed to secure its independence from Great Britain as a result of the victory), or the Battle of Gettsburg (where the Union decisively turned the tide of the US Civil War in its favor, insuring the continued existence of the United States as we currently know it). If the question is "What battle did the largest number of US forces participate in?", that would likely be the campaign in France during 1944-1945, involving almost 4 million US soldiers. For a single (named) battle, it would most likely be the Battle of the Bulge, a 5-week affair from Dec 1944 to Jan 1945, involving over 800,000 US troops and about 400,000 German ones.

Which historical event most likely had the biggest effect on the writings of WEB DuBois?

which historical event most likely had the biggest effect on the writings of W.E.B. DuBois

What is the most likely reason Columbus described the Arawak as weak and frightened?

The most likely reason he described them that way was to make it appear that they would be easy to defeat.

Did the Zuni tribe fish?

most likely

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What is a folding campaign chair?

You likely heard it wrong. A folding camping chair would be like any other folding chair, but designed to stand up to camping conditions. A folding campaign chair likely would not exist because one rarely has idle time when on campaign.

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Strategy is the single most important factor in a political campaign. The right strategy can survive a mediocre campaign, but even a brilliant campaign is likely to fail if the strategy is wrong.

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Most likely the American aboriginals (Indians) were there first. If you mean who started the Maryland colony, then that was the British.

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Who would most likely vote for a Populist candidate in the 1890?

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In the campaign, Eugene McCarthy. In the general election, Hubert Humphrey.

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Most likely not. Their relationship is not a romantic one. Depending on the interpretation, Spike is something like an adopted brother or adopted son to Twilight.

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its ideas are adopted by a major party

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