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The Civil War.

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Q: What war was fought between the north and the south from 1861 to 1865 over the issues of slavery and states' rights?
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What war was fought over issues of state's rights and slavery?

American Civil War.

What two forces was the civil war fought between?

states rights and slavery, -justin dietz

Why do some people call the Civil War the War Between the States?

Because the states took sides and fought a war. One of the key issues involved were states' rights, including slavery.

Who fought whom in the American Civil War?

In the American civil war the Rebels (11 southern states) fought the North over issues of slavery and state rights

What issue created tension between FDR ans southern democrats?

Civil Rights

How did issues of states' rights and slavery increase tension between the north and south?

Northern workers opposed slavery; southern planters support it

Tied states rights to slavery issues?

a rope

What was Sojourner Truth famous for?

she fought for freedom from slavery and for women's rights. :)

What Sojourner Truth famous for?

she fought for freedom from slavery and for women's rights. :)

What were the rights the South fought for in the US Civil War?

The South wanted the right of slavery.

What happened after slavery?

After slavery was abolished in the United States, African Americans faced continued discrimination, segregation, and violence. They fought for civil rights through movements such as the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s, leading to the passing of legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Today, racial inequality and systemic racism continue to be major issues that African Americans face.

Before the civil war one of the major issues between the north and the south was?

Extension of slavery into the new Western territories, and the balance of power between North and South in Congress.