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the battle of gettyburg

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Q: What war was beinf fought during the time of the blockade running?
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What does the name Sidar mean?

To be able to give something, or beinf sure to give

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he die by beinf burned answered by luke broomhead

Are dogs the famous pets?

In some countries they are famous for beinf pets but in other countries they are famous for food.

What was the purpose of the anonymous letter that Brutus was to receive?

to suggest certain things to brutys without beinf specific

What are some health consequences you get being fat?

Being fat can generally be harmful. An obese persson can be susceptible to heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, fatal blocking of an artery, having fat accumulated in the liver, hernia and chronic renal failure(means your kidneys fail to work). These are some of the consequences of beinf fat or obese.

Write a short analysis below of how your opinion of Cassius and Brutus has changed Do you think Cassius has become a different person What is his attitude toward Brutus How do you explain the seemi?

my opinion on Cassius is that he is still a good person but he killed julias ceasar for no good reason well actually because he was beinf rude to him and Cassius was jealus of him also because of bitterness towards Cassius.

If beinf flashy and colorful attracts predators why do you think guppies are so colorful?

Guppys (Lebistes reticulatus) have been selected and bred for their spectacular colours and flowing fins over many years. The wild fish is nothing like the domesticated fish. The wording of your question implies that bright colours do in fact attract predators. In reality bright colours can also act as very effective camoflage in the wild.

What is the chloride content in distilled water?

Distilled water should have a very low level of chloride content, typically less than 1 mg/L. The process of distillation removes most impurities, including chloride ions, resulting in a very pure form of water.

What is the structure of an animal cell membrane?

The animal cell membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins. The phospholipids have a hydrophilic (water-attracting) head and hydrophobic (water-repelling) tail, arranging themselves to create a barrier. Proteins are interspersed throughout the membrane performing various functions such as transport, communication, and structural support.

Who were the two Persian leaders who tried to conquer Greece?

Darius I sent a punitive expedition against Eretria and Athens in 490 BCE. When this failed at Marathon, he determined to beinf all of peninsular Greece into his empire to stop the cities there interfering in the Greek cities already in his empire and breaking its peace. He died before he could execute this plan.His son Xerxes I took over this mission invading in 480-479 BCE. It failed after defeats at Salamis, Plataia and Mykale.

What is the differnce between saturated and unsaturated fats?

Saturated fat: is fat that consists of triglycerides containing only saturated fatty acids. non-saturated: fat is a fat or fatty acid in which there are one or more double bonds in the fatty acid chain. A fat molecule is monounsaturated if it contains one double bond, and polyunsaturated if it contains more than one double bond.