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Q: What war included slavery arguments?
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War that led to arguments over extension of slavery into new territories?

austin lewis's war

Arguments over slavery ended with a WHAT between the North and the South?

A war. Specifically, the US Civil War.

What arguments were used to oppose slavery?

Arguments against slavery included the belief in the inherent dignity and equality of all individuals, the idea that it was morally wrong to treat human beings as property, and the recognition of the economic inefficiency of slavery compared to free labor. Supporters of abolition also highlighted the harmful effects of slavery on society and the violation of basic human rights.

What are arguments for anti slavery?

That slavery promotes hate

What arguments used to justify slavery appealed to peoples religious beliefs?

slavery was mentioned in The Bible

What were some of the proslaverly arguments?

Proslavery arguments were based on the notion that slavery was a necessary part of the economy and a "positive good" for slaves. Those who supported slavery argued that it was a beneficial institution providing economic stability and protection for the slaves. Some of the most common proslavery arguments included: Slavery was beneficial to the slaves providing them with a secure and stable life protection and basic needs like food clothing and shelter. Slavery provided economic stability for the slave-owning class. Slavery was a necessary evil for the continuation of the Southern economy. Slavery was a natural way of life and the slaves were better off in servitude than in a free society. Slavery was a form of punishment for people who had done wrong in the past. Slavery was a form of "divine mandate" from God.Ultimately proslavery arguments were attempts to justify the institution of slavery and to refute any moral or ethical objections to it.

Arguments made in support of the institution of slavery in?

Arguments in support of slavery historically included claims that it was justified by race, religion, and economic benefits. Proponents argued that slaves were inferior and meant to serve the interests of slave owners. Additionally, they believed that slaves were necessary for sustaining economic prosperity in industries such as agriculture.

What was the slavery controversy?

The slavery controversy refers to the heated debate and conflict surrounding the institution of slavery in the United States leading up to the Civil War in the 19th century. It involved arguments over the morality, legality, and economic impact of slavery, ultimately leading to a war between the Northern and Southern states. The controversy ultimately resulted in the abolition of slavery in the United States.

Which is an example of Southerners' arguments used in defense of slavery?

They argued that slavery contributed to the prosperous economy.

How did slave owners use religion and the bible to justify their postions in southern society?

The defenders of slavery included economics, history, religion, legality, social good, and even humanitarianism, to further their arguments.

Southern proslavery arguments did NOT include the belief that slavery was?

Southern proslavery arguments did not include the belief that slavery was mandated by the Constitution of the United States. Slavery had been a contentious issue between the North and South since the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

What has the author EN Elliott written?

E.N Elliott has written: 'Cotton is king, and pro-slavery arguments' -- subject(s): Slavery and slave-trade, Slavery