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The French and Indian War of course!

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Q: What war came first the French and Indian War or the Civil War?
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What came first the French and Indian War or George Washington's military career?

The French and Indian War came first. It ended about twelve years before the American Revolutionary War began.

Which came first the civil war or french revolution?

French revolution was in the 1790's, the Civil War was in the 1860's. Figure it out.

Which happened first the battle of Quebec or pontiac's rebillion?

The French and Indian War came first :)

What came first the Declaration of Independence enlightenment or the French and Indian War?

The Age of Enlightenment began about 1650-1700, the French and Indian War lasted from 1754 to 1763, and the Declaration of Independence was ratified on July 4, 1776. Enlightenment --> French and Indian War --> Declaration of Independence

Did the French and Indian War come before the American Revolution?

Yes, the french and Indian war came before the American Revolution.

Why did the indian's fight back?

they came with tomahawks and cut there way though the french

Who was the first Indian wresteler in wwf?

There was no Indian wrestler in WWF.The first Indian wrestler is the great khali who came in WWE in 2006.

The British lost most of their claims in North America as a result of the French and Indian War?

False, it was the French who came out as losers.

When did the French came?

Well first it is why did the french "come" not came, but otherwise, I am assuming that you mean why the french came to America, so, to make things short, the french came to America to find a passage to Asia, originally that is.

Which war was after the French and Indian War?

In North America, the war that promptly followed the French and Indian War was Pontiac's Rebellion, although it is little remembered today. The American War of Independence is the more well known military conflict that came after the French and Indian War.

When did George Washington fight on the French and Indian War?

The British surrender came on October 19, 1781. The siege had begun in late September after a French naval victory on September 5.

What war came after the French and Indian War?

Native american tribes attacked britain and forced them out