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Q: What types of jobs were there in the south before the civil war?
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What Jobs did children in the south during the civil war do?

Yes they did have jobs the jobs they had was there fathers when they went to war

What were jobs for the south during the civil war?

there were not many for people

How many engineering jobs are available?

There are several types of engineering jobs: Mechanical, Structural, Civil, Technical, Electrical, Software etc. You need to define which field you are interested in before determining employment outlook.

How can a person qualify for civil engineering jobs in the United States?

To qualify for many jobs in Civil Engineering a college degree is almost always necessary. Degrees in science or mathematics being common for many of the types of Civil Engineering jobs.

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What types of civil service jobs are there in Connecticut?

Civil service jobs can be found on Monster and Indeed. The most popular is for postal workers. This is a well paying field but the competition is high. Most other civil service jobs require a college degree in the particular field.

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He was a doctor

What jobs are known as civil jobs?

Civil service jobs are government jobs held by civilians. Civil service jobs can be police officers, Department of Motor Vehicles staff, and veterans administration jobs.

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What types of jobs did Hitler have before becoming the fuHrer?

he was a lumberjack, artist and in the amry

Did civilian support have a role in the civil war?

During the civil war, women from both the North and the South helped the war effort in countless ways. While some took on the jobs of their fathers, husbands, or brothers, others found new occupations they had not been allowed to hold before

What effect did the Civil War have on the North and the South?

The Civil War had a huge effect on both the North and the South. In the South, many plantations and farms were destroyed and their owners were away fighting the war. In the North, women often took up jobs that were originally performed by their husbands.