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Q: What two northern states abolished slavery during the 1770's and 1780's?
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When did the Northern States abolish slavery?

Northern States abolished slavery between 1777 & 1804.

When did the norhtern states abolish slavery?

Northern States abolished slavery between 1777 & 1804.

What year did New York abolish slavery?

they abolished slavery in the northern united states in 1861 and in the southern united states slavery was abolished in 1865.

Was slavery legal in north during the civil war?

Slavery was not legal in the Northern states during the Civil War. The Northern states had already abolished slavery before the outbreak of the war, while the Southern states still allowed slavery. This stark division between free and slave states was one of the key factors leading to the Civil War.

What did the northern states think should happen to slavery?

They thought it was immoral and should be abolished.

What was the keypoint of the 13th amendment?

The thirteenth amendment abolished slavery.

What problems existed after slavery was abolished in 1838?

Slavery wasn't abolished in the United States until 1867 with the passage of the 13 th amendment of the constitution. Some northern states did abolish slavery earlier, but the entire south didn't.

What was abolished slavery?

Slavery was abolished in various countries during the 19th and 20th centuries. In the United States, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution officially abolished slavery in 1865. Other countries, such as Brazil and the United Kingdom, also abolished slavery during the same time period.

Which TWO states abolished slavery during the Revolutionary War?

Pennsylvania and Massachusetts

When was slavery abolished and why?

well it was abolished in the southern states of the u.s. with the emancipation proclamation during the civil war. once the north won the war it was abolished throughout the united states

In what region of the US was slavery first made illegal?

Slavery was first made illegal in the Northern states of the United States. The state of Vermont was the first to abolish slavery in its constitution in 1777, followed by Pennsylvania in 1780. By the early 1800s, Northern states had all gradually abolished slavery.

What two states abolished slavery immediately during 1770 and 1780?

Vermont and Massachusetts