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Q: What three countries in latin America were still ruled by colonial powers in 1828?
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Which two countries are basis for the language and customs of Latin America?

Portugal and Spain

What two colonial powers had the most effect in latin America?

spain and protugal

Influenced by the french and America revolutions latin Americans sought independence from what parent countries?

Latin Americans sought independence from their parent countries, mainly Spain and Portugal. The French and American revolutions served as inspirations for Latin American independence movements, as they demonstrated the possibility of overthrowing colonial rule and establishing independent governments.

What differences do you notice when you compare the 1800 to the map of Latin America?

In the 1800s, Latin America was largely under colonial rule, with European powers controlling the majority of the region. The map of Latin America in the 1800s would show territories divided among Spain, Portugal, and other colonial powers. Today, the map of Latin America reflects independent countries with their own governments and borders established through warfare and treaties following independence movements in the 19th century.

Which European countries still have colonies in Latin America?

No European countries currently have colonies in Latin America. All former colonial territories in Latin America have gained independence.

During the colonial period in latin America as native Indian labor became scarce the colonial powers did what?

is your head. NEW RESPONDENT. They imported black slaves.

How do you know that Spain and Portugal were the main colonial powers in latin America?

A. Through the languages spoken in those countries until this day; B. through the many visible remnants of Spanish and Portuguese culture.

What effect did nationalist Simon bos livar latin America independence from colonial rule?

Simón Bolívar played a key role in Latin America's independence from colonial rule by leading military campaigns and uniting various factions against Spanish colonial powers. His vision of a unified continent led to the liberation of several countries and the establishment of independent nations in South America. Bolívar's efforts contributed to the downfall of Spanish colonial rule and the emergence of sovereign states in the region.

How was latin America's colonial society organized?

society in colonial Latin America was divided into several classes

How did the Latin American countries achieve independence?

Latin American countries achieved independence through a combination of revolutionary movements, uprisings, and wars against colonial powers such as Spain and Portugal. Leaders like Simon Bolivar in South America and Miguel Hidalgo in Mexico played key roles in organizing and leading these movements, ultimately resulting in the end of colonial rule and the establishment of independent nations.

Who had more natural resources during the colonial era North America or Latin America?

Latin America.

What are 2 countries that contributed to the languages of latin America?

Spain and Portugal are two countries that significantly contributed to the languages of Latin America. Spanish and Portuguese are the two predominant languages spoken in most Latin American countries due to the historical colonization and influence of these two European powers.