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Spain never purchased land in the thirteen colonies.

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Q: What states today were in the land that Spain purchased in the 13 colonies?
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What are the united colonies today?

the 51 states

How did Spain strengthen its colonies in the Americas?

Spain strengthened its colonies in the Americas by offering free land to Spanish aristocrats. Many of the their descendants still in those areas today.

Who lived in the early southern colonies?

Well if you are talking about the United States... The Europeans were the first to settle in the southern states such as Georgia or Texas. Spain, France, and England made many cultural changes that we still have today in the southern states. Hope this helps you lots:)

Which united states colonies belonged to mother country?

Great Britain was the Mother Country of the 13 American Colonies that are now part of the US. Other countries that had colonies in the Americas include Russia, France and Spain. Some of these former colonies (Alaska, Louisianas, Texas, California, etc.) are also part of today's US, though they were not part of the original 13 states.

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Two city states without colonies?

Nea Polis (today's Naples) Tri Polis (today's Tripoli.

Where were the earliest Greek colonies established?

Ionia in Asia Minor in what is today. Later Greeks started colonies in Spain, France, Italy, and Africa, and along the coast of the Black Sea.

What countries controlled Canada at one time?

No other country has ever controlled all of Canada. However, France had a number of colonies in Canada, as did Britain. Spain had claims to the west coast. Today, the United States has massive influence.

Where did the Phoenicians established city-states and colonies?

Overseas colonies were established by the Phoenicians in order to expand their basic economic specialty, which was gaining wealth and power by trading with other nations. One of its colonies became a world power in the name of Carthage.

How much bigger is the US now than when it started?

when it started their was 13 states they were actually colonies but today now there is fifty states

Why do some North American countries speak spanish?

Some North American countries, like Mexico, were colonized by Spain in the past, which is why Spanish is spoken there today. Other countries, like the United States, have a significant Spanish-speaking population due to migration and historical ties with Spanish-speaking countries.

Was Louisiana was never a british colony how did it help to shape Louisiana into what it is today?

No it was never a British colony, it was French, Spanish and then purchased by the United States. No it was never a British colony, it was French, Spanish and then purchased by the United States.