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Q: What secret society did white southerners form during reconstruction?
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One Southern reaction to Congressional Reconstruction was the use of racist secret societies to obstruct Reconstruction policies by intimidation One such society was the?

Well its definitely not "patrons of husbandry and the grange."

What has the author Walter Henry Cook written?

Walter Henry Cook has written: 'Secret political societies in the South during the period of reconstruction' -- subject(s): Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877)

What was Pythagoras' secret society?

a secret society

What did the southerns do during reconstruction?

THE southerners were the defeated ones. They were at the mercy of the federal government. The leaders all lost their vote . Blacks and carpetbaggers ruled. The old plantations could not make a living with hired labor and were broken up and sold for taxes. Secret organizations gained some power with terrorist tactics over the blacks. A new Democratic party formed and it gradually gained power, finally winning the presidency in 1884 after reconstruction ended.

When was Wolf's Head - secret society - created?

Wolf's Head - secret society - was created in 1883.

A secret society organized by southern whites to terrorize blacks was?

As well the secret society was not as polite to African-Americans,and also the secret society was called "Ku Klux Klan".

Why did the post-war South create the KKK and how did the KKK influence post war society?

Confederate veterans and former plantation owners who were negatively impacted socially, politically, and economically resented what they considered the severe and unfair restrictions of Reconstruction. The KKK formed as a secret society to terrorize African Americans, Carpetbaggers, and Scallywags into submission. It worked for the repeal of Reconstruction, and, eventually led to the Jim Crow laws passed when Reconstruction ended.

Was Betsy Ross apart of a secret society?

it's a secret

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Boxer Rebellion

Where is the secret society in Astro Knights?

There is a secret society inside the fountain in the Town Square. You get the code from the creepy girl in the Mill.

What impact did the secret societies have upon Reconstruction?

To protect blacks, Congress passed the Fore Act.

Is the secret society real?

answer and find out~