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Q: What positive changes occurred for blacks during the reconstruction years?
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What changes occurred for blacks during the 1920s?

Positive changes resulted from the Harlem Renaissance.

Who fought to restrict African American rights during reconstruction?

President Andrew Jackson restricted African American rights during reconstruction. Blacks were excluded from southern politics. Radical Reconstruction occurred from 1867 to 1877

What were two positive outcomes of the reconstruction?

Ku Klux Klan was formed to kill all the blacks.

Positive and negatives affects of the Reconstruction?

Some positive effects of the Reconstruction include uniting the country and blacks had the right to vote as well as be elected for political offices. Its negative effects, on the other hand, include the South being faced with economic turmoil.

Was reconstruction positive or negative experience for blacks?

If you are referring to the Reconstruction Era in America then it was a bit of both. They were free but they still had issues with the whites because the whites were not comfortable with them. They got mistreated but they were better off than before.

What did the reconstruction act of 1876 do?

Helped out blacks

Was blacks apart of the south or the north in reconstruction?


What were some failures during and after reconstruction?

one way reconstruction was a failure is that the freedman bureau burn down the blacks school, meaning no freedom what so ever for the blacks.

How did white southerns try to stop the changes in the south during reconstruction?

To try to stop the changes in the U.S. south during Reconstruction following the U.S. Civil War, white southerners formed groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize blacks and restore the south to its former glory. The white southerners also passed laws, called The Black Codes, to restrict oppotunities for blacks. They also used sharecropping to keep the blacks tied them and to put the black sharecroppers in debt.

Which former confederate state had most blacks holding office during reconstruction?

Which former Confederate state had the most blacks holding office during Reconstruction

What was the most important institution to blacks after Reconstruction?

THe Black Church

What was one of the successes of the Reconstruction era?

Blacks had the right to vote.