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An early obstacle to industrial growth in South America was the scarcity of coal. The continent therefore predominantly relied on its petroleum reserves

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Q: What obstacles to industrialization existed in the south during the nineteeth century?
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It would be difficult to link industrialization to Imperialism. Imperialism existed in the world long before the term was created in the 19th century. Industrialization was the result of a number of creative inventors over a long period of time to provide a better way to produce products that previously were handcrafted.

What obstacles to industrialization existed in the South during the nineteenth century?

In a manner of speaking, prior to the US Civil War, the US was in perfect position economically. In the North, there was manufacturing and farming. In the South, their cotton was used by the Northern textile mills. As a united nation, there was no particular rush to industrialize the South. And, in a manner of speaking, slavery at the time seemed a perfect way to grow and harvest cotton and tobacco.

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No, no no. American empire? Never existed, never will. Most prospects of industrialisation were from the UK.

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Sorry existed here for a century before it insisted in North America?

yes it did